Tuesday, January 31, 2012

In Memory

This is a video that I made with a friend of neighbor who's daughter died one year ago last Dec., a week before christmas day. It was meant for facebook but due to the music, it was not allowed because of possible copyright laws violation. So it was placed on youtube. The neighbor's daughter died of Leukima, in the hospital for lack of red blood cells due to chemo therapy. She had put up a good fight until the very end. Her name was Angela Kay Worner. In the video you will see Angela's mother, her father, her daughter who is now nine, her now five year old son and loving boyfriend.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Excuse or no excuse? That is the question.

Today, I was on authonomy visting a couple of forums there. I wrote on one of them today, beause the founder of the forum had posted a statement on there that we needed to start reading and supporting the author by eith shelving the book on you bookcase, giving a constructive review for that person or both. As to say, I have to admit that I haven't been doing it either and I gave an excuse or a partially true excuse. Saying that i was busy with catching up on reading from what I had gotten from my local library setting up this blog, trying to work out a scene in my book and trying to figure out how to use facebook. Yes, I said trying to figure out how to use facebook. Sad, I know but it's so darn confussing to work out in one day. :(

Anyway, i said the excuse was partly true, I have been working on the scene for my book but I restarted on that, after giving my book a break to recharge my batteries so to speak, just last night. As for my blog, well you can see I've been busy with it for the last few days as well as today. And as for my books from the library, I have been reading them but off and on these last three weeks and saying that I've been trying to catch up on my reading. Well in a way, I have been trying to catch up with them.

Are these just really excuses, or just somebody who is lazy. In my opinion it could be both. It's an excuse and at the same time I can get pretty lazy at times. Putting things off at the last minute and saying I can do it later and never actually doing it and keep putting it off. I wonder, am I the only one who does this or is there a whole world full of people who do this? So excuse or no excuse?

Friday, January 27, 2012

New videos

I've added new videos to the list. Enjoy.
Irish Music : Witches Runes

New to the list:
Irish step dancing vidoes

And a couple of secret Agent Man videos.

I hope that you enjoy the new vidoes. :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

New interviews has been added

I've added new character interviews for Dylan Knight: Rush Against Time page.

The character Interveiws are:
Sarah Hughes
Sheridan Michaels
Luna Mayfield

Hope that you enjoy all three interviews.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Camelot's Return

The first of the short story series, Camelot's Return has been posted.

The Awakening, is the first story in a series of stories chronicled through the eye's of NIlrem, a decendent and Merlin's reincarnation. He is the Lord Protector, gaurdian of the Royal Family and the advisor to Parliament. He soon finds out that he's Merlin's reinacarnation and he has a destiny to play in the battle for England's future. Will he succeed in find Arthur's and his court's reincarnation before the other side? If he does, will he make the same mistakes as his ancestor, Merlin did with the original Arthur and his court? Only time will tell.

Stay tuned for more short stories about Camelot's Return.

Dylan Knight: Rush Against Time page

I've added a mock interview with the character Dylan Knight. Have a look and get a small glimpse into what Dylan is like.

More about the book will be added to the page as well as interviews and samples paragraphs from the book, so keep checking in as the page keeps changing.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Sleepy Hollow

I've found this video of Disney's The legend of sleep hollow. So sit back and enjoy the show and let the childhood memories come flooding back. Enjoy and be sure not to LOOSE YOUR HEAD!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Our Children Are Listening

A fellow blogger and a freind, showed me what she had written in her blog. In that post she had a video and it spoke about how homosexuals were listed as a second class citizens. I happen to agree, they are not second class citizens. They are people just like you and me. In the same video, it also showed two people who were killed, either by homophobs or a teen who killed himself because he was bullied for simply being gay. OUTRAGOUS! This has to stop, it just has too. Here's some vidoes, including the one that my friend and fellow bloger shared with me. There are just two she had given me. The rest I went and found online to add to it.

Here's the other video she shaired with me.

Here is a vidoe from Prayers For Bobby, it's based on a true story and was aired on Lifetime a few years back.

This video clip from the movie is the most memorable. What she says in this video has truly stuck with me even from two yrs. ago when the movie first aired on Lifetime. What she says is right, we don't know what our children might be listening too. They may be to scared to say they may be homosexual because of what we've been saying. We make an impact on their lives and if we don't show compassion towards them, they may end up cutting their lives short because of what we say. We need to love them and tell them that it is alright to be gay. They need our love and support, if not then who will they turn towards for the incouragement to continue on. So reach out to them and support them if they do come out to you, don't turn them away simple because someone tells us homosexuality is a sin. Reach out and give them a shoulder to cry on, if they need to cry. Talk to them, if they need someone to talk to and most of all, support them if they plan on comming out to their family & friends. We really don't know how much of an impact we make on our children's lives by what we say and do until it's too late. Because we truly don't know if our children is listening.

Monday, January 16, 2012

More New Videos

I Have added more vidoes to the page.
Irish Flute Music
Bluegrass Music

I would like to proudly announce that the bluegrass music featured is that of an old class mate of mine. Matt Flake, he and I were members of the high school orchestra where we attended. We are truly proud of what he has accomplished. I hope that you will enjoy the videos of him playing the violin as much as I do. He is now part of the bluegrass band Monroeville. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Pagen Story

I came across a pagen story while looking for research on the mythical Island of Avalon. I am a christian but this story did resonate with something inside of me. It's called "Ancient One". Have a read and then see what it means with you.


It has a very intresting meaning behind the story and I hope it has the same meaning to you as it does with me.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Videos

I've just added two new Parkour Videos to the page.

Louisville Parkour
Professor Longhair, Big Chief

Hope you enjoy them. :)

Friday, January 13, 2012

Childhood memory of watching Disney's Sleepy Hollow

Everyone remembers the cartoon short Sleepy Hollow, right? With Bing Cosby narrating the cartoon? Anyway, I was just on authonomy and one of threads there was asking which one Disney character's do you most relate too. To make a long story short, I said that I was related to Ichabod Crane and with Happy on Snow White. Someone returned a comment about how the cartoon used to scare them when they were a child. In reply I told them this story of what happened to me when I was a kid. Keep in mind, I was like this person, It scared me too.

There's this place a few miles away from where I live and looks exactly the same way as the story of Sleepy Hollow is described, minus an old creepy bridge that was at least a hundred yrs. old. It was rebuilt 11 yrs. ago. Anyway a few days after watching the show, me and my dad were out late one night (Please no monster mash singing) and we were passing through the area. I had some how managed to scare myself and I was seeing things that were not there. During this paranoid state, I seen something fiery red flash as we passed by. My mind immediately went to Sleepy hollow and the headless Horseman. I thought we were going to be his next victims to be be-headed. So I urged my dad to start speeding up. By this time he was having a blast because he knew what I saw but kept quiet. By this time I was full on hearing things and kept on looking behind us, certain that the headless horseman was right behind us. I could have sworn I was hearing horse hoofs hitting the ground behind us in the forest.

This old bridge was over the river and in the legend the headless horseman couldn't cross running water or a covered bridge and we were coming up to it. So i grabbed by dad by the neck collar and told him to hurry it up. Which I might add was not the right thing to do when someone is driving, especially when that person was your dad. :( As soon I we crossed that bridge, I felt a huge sigh of relief come over me. I knew then that we were safe from the horseman. I looked back and I could have sworn I seen the horseman on the over side of the old bridge, not doubt cussing because we escaped.

Looking back on it now, I laugh at the memory because of how easily scared I was and having an over active imagination didn't help matters much. what I did see was nothing but an old emergency flashlight from the forties that had been discarded by my great uncle when it broke. As for the hooves hitting the ground, was my own heart beat speeding in my ears and as for the image of the horseman standing on the other side of the bridge was my over active imagination taking shape. But know this, years later, I did find out that the area we traveled through was indeed haunted but it wasn't by no headless horseman. Of course this is a story for another time and another place. :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Old TV Series and Today's Youth

Earlier today I had the chance to watch a childhood show that I used to watch with my parents and maybe with your as well. The show is called Murder She Wrote with Angelia Lansbury. It brought back alot of found memories and it really cheered my mother up as she watched it with me. She used to love the show when it was on and I don't blame her, I loved it too. This brings up a question to ask and I'll get to it later.
There's a show that is on TV right now called restoration, where a guy has openned up a shop to restore antiques and other collectable things for years gone by. On one particular show a man had brought in an old antique wood stove that said to be used on the set of Bonanza. While they were working to restore it back to show room looks, one of the younger guys, who looked to be in his twenties, asked what it was. The guy who was repairing it said it was a wood stove. In reply this same young man said a what? And the guy said  wood stove. I'm like okay, he had a long day because he worked on something that took him way into the night to finish and he had finished it. So I gave him the benifiet of the doubt.

The guy working on the stove continued to explain that it was part of a tv show called Bonanza. This is what floored me. The same guy who had asked what a wood stove was also asked what the name of the show was. And what he kept on saying just kept me in surprise. After the guy had explained what the show was he asked the guy what a western was. The guy answered him and one crazy question came right after the other. It was humiliating to see this. I know the guy was tired but come on, I'm in my twenties and I know what a western is and i know what Bonanza is even if i was bone tired like him. Which brings me to the question I had mentioned earlier.

Does todays youth, including the ones in their twenties, know about the shows of the past? Like that of Bonanza. About a year ago, i was speaking to my neighbor about the I Love Lucy show. About how they used to watch it when they were kids. I used to watch it myself along with andy giffeth show, bitwitched, i dream of Jeani and my personal favorite the munsters. Back to the story, Her grand duaghter had come home from school and walked in on us while we were talking about I love Lucy and she asked me and her grandmother what it was. At this time my mouth flew open and her grandmothers as well. I was surprised that she didn't know what the show was about because her mother always wathed it on the hallmark channel.

It's a shame that todays youth does not know about the shows that I used to watch with my parents and the very same ones they watched in their youth. Now-a-days todays youth are into some shows that makes our parents and our grandparent blush. Now don't get me wrong, there are some shows out there that are still family freindly like Switched at birth and once upon a time. But it seems as if the networks out there are gearing towards sex orinated shows. Why can't we just go back to the shows of our youth and our parents youth, when TV was acutally good to sit down and watch with the family? People will be surprised to see how the youth of today will react to them. I knew that i was when the girl's grandmother turned to the station that still played I love lucy. Now she can't get enough of it and is now currently watching I dream of Jeanie. She can't get enough of the shows.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Book trailers

I thought that it would be nice to also share two book trailers that I did for Dylan Knight: Rush Against Time. I hope that you enjoy them both.
Book trailer 1

Book trailer 2

My First Post

I have to admit this is my first blog so everyone has to be patient with me as I do this. So I'm learning as I go. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Gregory A. Hart, You may call me Greg or Gregory, I will answer to both.
I will start by saying that I have a current book, still writting it by the way, called Dylan Knight: Rush Against Time. You can go to Authonomy.com, type in Dylan Knight: Rush Against Time, to read more about. If you are into reading Young Adult Books, then this is for you to read. I won't tell you much about it because I don't want to give to much away and spoil it for you. Here's what I have written on the site for the book:

Fifteen year old Dylan Knight is about to lead a double life; kept secret from his friends and most importantly, his parents.

Fifteen-year-old Dylan Knight is a natural at solving crimes; unfortunately, the local police don’t always appreciate his efforts. Dylan seems to attract trouble everywhere he goes, even when he's risking it all to save others from harm. When he draws the attention of an underground government organization, he wonders if their tempting offer is too good to be true. Dylan can't resist the opportunity to reach for his dreams... until he discovers the man sent to recruit him might be just as ruthless and dangerous as the criminals he’s been trained to apprehend. Can Dylan learn to reconcile his life as a normal teen with his desire to fulfill his destiny as an unstoppable crime-fighter, or will the secrets take a toll on him?

If you want to read more you can click on the link below to go directly to the book.

With this being said, in my profile, I mention that from time to time, I write short stories. I am currently writting a short story series. This series is called Camelot's Return. If you are not familure with King Arthur, knights of the round table and Merlin I sugguest that you watch the TV series called Merlin on the Syfy channel here in the states or on your local BBC cchannel if from the UK. In the series it deals with King Arthur returning to the land and ushering in another golden age of man kind. So look for the posts of the short stories and enjoy them.
I will also do mock interviews with some of my characters from Dylan Knight: Rush Against Time and I'm looking forward to seeing what some of them have to say. For all those writer's out there, I may be an amature in writing because I don't consider myself as a professional because as of right now, I do writing as a hobby. That being said, that does not mean I don't want to do writing as a hobby forever, after I finish writing Dylan Knight, I will be looking for an agent to help me get published. Getting back to the point, I will be glad to answer any questions that you may have about your own writting, and any questions that you may have for any of my own writting.
So I thank you all for having a look at this blog and I will be seeing you the next time I am here.