Thursday, March 15, 2012

Writer's group, good or evil?

I looked up some of my earlier writing that I had done and I was amazed at how much improvement i had made since joining anine writer's group. I've been with Authonomy, done by Haper Collins Publishing Company in England, for about a year now. In the past my writing was shabby and didn't really make any sense in some places where I thought it did. Writer's groups, in my opinion, are a fundimetal to all writers and author's alike. Not only do they help improve your writing skills but they also give you feedback on what works and doesn't work for your book. As well as many other things for your writing.

So joing a writer's group has helped me become a better writer, Now I'm not saying that joining a writer's group is the primary reason why I feel I've become a better writer,there are many other ways as well but a writer's group is definately a primary way to becoming a better writer. Becausing joining the group, I found other ways of improving my writing (articles, advice, ect.).

Find a writer's group near you, wither it be on line or a local group. You never know how much it will help you in the long run for your writer.

Click here to visit Authonomy

Happy writting everyone.

1 comment:

  1. So true. I learned a lot from other writers on authonomy--and I met some amazing people I now consider my friends.
