Friday, May 18, 2012

Music of the Universe

Yes you've read the title right. The universe, our universe, the very same one we live in has music and I'm not talking about Justin Beber or Madonna. I'm talking about energy waves from the planets magnetic fields to energy pulsars to anything thing else that creates energy. How do I know this?

I know this because of a show that I watched a couple of nights ago on the science channel. Never once did I even realise that objects in space could make noise. Yes, I also know that space is a vacum and for us to hear a sound there has to be air. We forget one thing though, energy waves, and they do not need air to travel. Its these energy waves that we pick up by our satellites that orbit our world and our radio antennas that picks these energy waves up. They then transform these energy waves into sound waves that we can hear. It is this way that we can hear these sounds or music from the universe.

To show what I am talking about, here are a few videos from YouTube that demonstrate on what I'm talking about. (I must warn you, some of these sounds you hear will be creepy in origin and will cause your hair to stand on end.)

Planet Sounds
Symphonies of the Planets 2
NASA: sound of a black hole
Sounds of our Solar System 1/2
Sounds of our Solar System 2/2
Spectacular Solar Video & Sounds
Sounds of Pluto
Pulsar Sounds
Jupiter Sounds

Pretty amazing stuff don't you think? Leave your comments on what you think about the sounds you just heard.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. Who would've thought? Thanks for sharing this, Greg.
