Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Caution, laughter is contagious.

Have you ever noticed that when you see someone laughing, you soon to start laughing? You may not not what they are laughing about but you sill start laughing none-the-less. Well, laughter is contagious and it's a good thing, in my experience it is anyway.

Why is it contagious? Because it makes you feel better afterwards, no matter how bad you feel or how sick you may feel, it always makes you feel better about yourself and the world around. To explain more on what I'm talking about here are two articles to show what laughter does to your body.
The Health Benefits to Humor and Laughter
laughter is the "Best Medicine."

But they have done studies to show that laughter has a positive effect on our bodies. But hey, you don't have to take their word on the matter. Try it out on yourself and see what happens in the end. Tell a good joke or share a funny picture and you'll get you results. So I leave you now with some jokes to read. Pretty soon you'll have the laughing "bug" and will be spreading it all around.

Some funny jokes:
Why is it necessary to be quiet in church? (A kids Joke)

What do you call it when a vampire bites a teacher?
A blood test.

How do you catch a Squirrel?
You climb a tree and act like a nut.

A chicken walks into a library and walks up to a Librarian and says Book.
The librarian says you want a book?
The librarian goes and gets a book and gives it to the chicken.
An hour later, the chicken returns and says Book, book.
Two more books? replies the Librarian
Book, book.
So the librarian goes and gets two more books and gives them to the chicken.
An hour later the chicken returns and says Book, book, book.
Three more?
Book, book, book.
She goes and gets three more books for the chicken. This time she decides to follow it.
Out of the library, down the alley, then the street, gets on the bus, goes to the forest, then to a river and then a swamp. The Chicken lays the books out in front of a bull frog to look at. In reply the bull frog says
reddit, reddit, reddit.

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