Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Alexander Hotel And The Alice Theater

Ever since I was a kid, my mother had always told me that there used to be a one room theater for plays and movies back when she was younger. She was right to because I have seen it and it's located in my hometown area. I used to pass it every day too and from my high school on the town square. It's called the Alice Theater. The doors were and still are locked and closed to the public. Next to it is a beautiful theater called the Alexander Hotel. It used to be open to the public but only the front part of it and it was used as a store.

You know how I am about historical places and how we should keep them up let people know about what it used to be. The same goes for this place and wouldn't you know (and to my delight) that there is a grass roots movement to buy the places and find a way to renovate them and have them open to the public once again. It has been going on here for the last few months and I have been keeping myself informed of the progress.

At first, to my dismay, the movement wasn't doing so well. A lot of people giving the guy in charge of it and it's supporters, alot of grief over the idea. But now it seems like the movement is picking up alot more support. Support like how they can help out with the project or giving them ideas as to how it can be reopened to the public. If it was left up to me, I would have them both reopened and restored to their former glory. The hotel turned back to being a hotel or a B&B (bed and breakfast) and the theater being turned back into a movie theater only showing older movies. But alas, I do not have the final say on such things.

However the only thing I can do right now, is continue making my suggestions and spread the word like I'm doing now. Below is the facebook page to where you can see the buildings and learn of the progress of process or just to make suggestions of your own.

Save the Alice Theater & Alexander Hotel

I now leave you with this thought. It is our right to keep our history preserved no matter it being told orally, written down on paper or even trying to save the buildings. It must be preserved and there is nothing like helping to keep it preserved. So I encourage you today to go and find something that is of historical significance whether it be national or local. you will rest better knowing that it will be preserved for our children's future. for without history, where would be today?

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