Friday, November 29, 2013

NaNoWri Month

For all those who don't know what NaNoWri Month, it stands for National Novel Writing Month. It's for writer's of all genres both professional and aspiring writers alike. We have to or try to write at least 50,000 words by the end of the month of November. I, myself have decided to take part this year and let me tell you, it was very fun for me to get back to the reason why I love to write.

While writing my first novel, Dylan Knight: Rush Against Time, I had lost my love for writing while doing the editing and began to see writing as a job instead of being fun. I'm not saying that I don't want it to make me money. I'm saying that I had forgotten how fun it was to write and that's what I want to do, is to write and have fun doing it at the same time. All the while, hoping that the readers who read what I have written will enjoy it as much as did. So, why am I telling you this?

I'm telling you that I'm exited about what my writing project is about and I'm glad to announce that it will be my next book to be released. Since I'm not completely finished with writing the first draft of it, I can not set a time for it's official release. And sorry folks, if you liked the the first book of the Dylan Knight Series, you're just going to have to wait a little while longer; it's still a Work In Progress (WIP). I will give you guys more information about the current writing project in future posts as well as other information on other future projects. So I hope that you all will join in with me next year to do your own NaNo writing project.

Happy Writing Everyone.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A wise Old Owl

There is a poem that comes to my mind that I had learned when I was teenager. It wasn't because I had to learn it for school but because of a neighbor that I had gotten to know. He was and still is a deeply devoted Christian and it was he who got me to memorize it. It goes something like this...

A wise old Owl sat in an oak,
The more he saw, the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard,
Why can't we all be like that old bird.
But he added more to it:
God gave us two eyes to see more,
Two ears to hear more and one mouth to speak less.
The last part of the poem is to tell us as Christians that we are to use our eyes to see more of God's beauty and his hand in creation. To use our ears to hear his Spoken word to us and our one mouth to speak less because we can do so much damage to our fellow human beings. We use words not only to lift some one up but we also use them for hateful and destructive things.
It is indeed that we can use it in these terms not only as Christians but also as just plain human beings as well. Not only that but also as writers ourselves. Especially as writers/ authors. We sit around and we think up new stories to tell each and every day because that's who we are. We sit on our perches like the Wise Old Owls in the poems, we watch everything around us and hear everything around us while we remain quite. You can never know what we can come up with just by doing what the owls do.