Saturday, January 28, 2012

Excuse or no excuse? That is the question.

Today, I was on authonomy visting a couple of forums there. I wrote on one of them today, beause the founder of the forum had posted a statement on there that we needed to start reading and supporting the author by eith shelving the book on you bookcase, giving a constructive review for that person or both. As to say, I have to admit that I haven't been doing it either and I gave an excuse or a partially true excuse. Saying that i was busy with catching up on reading from what I had gotten from my local library setting up this blog, trying to work out a scene in my book and trying to figure out how to use facebook. Yes, I said trying to figure out how to use facebook. Sad, I know but it's so darn confussing to work out in one day. :(

Anyway, i said the excuse was partly true, I have been working on the scene for my book but I restarted on that, after giving my book a break to recharge my batteries so to speak, just last night. As for my blog, well you can see I've been busy with it for the last few days as well as today. And as for my books from the library, I have been reading them but off and on these last three weeks and saying that I've been trying to catch up on my reading. Well in a way, I have been trying to catch up with them.

Are these just really excuses, or just somebody who is lazy. In my opinion it could be both. It's an excuse and at the same time I can get pretty lazy at times. Putting things off at the last minute and saying I can do it later and never actually doing it and keep putting it off. I wonder, am I the only one who does this or is there a whole world full of people who do this? So excuse or no excuse?

1 comment:

  1. I have tons of excuses for procrastinating, so if you run out, you can borrow some of mine.
