Monday, February 13, 2012

Bring Change 2 Mind

Just as the title says, bring change to mind. What does this mean, does it mean bring change to mind to the ones who lives with being mentally ill, stand up for a movement like homosexuality or for some other cause that is just? It's not the latter two, it the first. I'm not even talking about bringing change to mind to the ones who live with mental illness. I'm talking about bringing change to mind for those around the person who lives with being mentally ill. That's right, I said bringing change to mind to those around the person who lives with being mentally ill.

I'm saying that we need to try to understand about what the person is going through. I, myself, am bipolar, I live with bipolar disorder. Which means I basiclly lose all control of my emotions. I have times where I'm extremely hyperactive, what is called manic stage. I feel so energetic that my ind races a hundred miles an hour, talk alot (sometimes so fast that nobody can understand a word I say) and have alot of sleepless nights and sleep alot durning the day. Not to mention we have urges to do something that we don't normally do as well as get upset about something for no apparent reason. Then we have to sort things out and face the consiquinces of our action afterwards.

There is also a dangerous part of being bipolar, or at least a scary part of it (For me, it may be different for other peopl) is the down part. Meaning the depression that comes after the Manic stage. When I get this way, I don't want to do anything. I sit around doing nothing, I don't feel like I have the energy to get up out of bed. I lose all intrest in things that I love to do, like writting, reading, watching tv and in some cases gardening. There are others out there like me who even feel more, they contemplate comitting suicide to end it all. I used to get that way when I was younger but no more, don't ask me why because I just don't know why I don't think about suicide anymore, I guess that I have alot of people around me who cares for me alot. I just don't know but I do get drepressed.

You might say or think that I'm lazy or self-centered or something in that nature but it's not true. I can't control these emotions, as hard as I try, I just can't control them, these emotions are spontanious and comes out of nowhere. We just can't simply turn them on and off like a light switch, it's just not done that way. we may recognize them and try to stop them or control them to get us through the day but even then it may or may not be enough and we simply give in. We understand the disorder and we even take care of it with medication. It is treatable and the treatments do work, we live our lives day by day just like you and everyone else around us. Just be aware of one thing, we are people, we are not to shunned away like someone that is contagious. We are people with our own lives, families.

I say this because there are people out there who refuses to acknowledge or just doesn't care about it. I have a freind who's daughter is also bipolar, her mother also suffers from severe depression. I try to help them cope with this and we got to talking one day and what she told me broke my heart and made me angry. She told me that her daughter used to be in public school but had to homeschool because of it. She was bullied and on top of that she's living with being bipolar. This was hard on her and I don't blame her or her mother for doing it. The mother went to the school and tried to get them to help her but the school wouldn't lift a finger, saying that it would not help the situation. To make a long story short, the parent pulled her out of school and started home schooling. Now they are on their own to school their child becasue the same school system will not help them out because they saidy 'the child is not severe enough to have them help with the schooling.' So basicly they were saying that the child is not severely sick or on a death bed to meet their requirements for home schooling through the school system.

It is this very thing that we need to bring change to people's minds about mental illness. It's nothing that needs to be shurgged off so easily as people thinks. It's more complicated than that, it's serious and it's not going to go away anytime soon. So I'm proud to say that I live with being bipolar and even though I live with it, I don't let it become who I am. Learn about mental illness before judging a person who is mentally ill and try to see things through their eyes, it's not our fault that we are this way. Nor is it our parents fault. It's no one's fault.

To find out more about mental illness like bipolar dissorder and many more mental illness' check out this website by the same name of the title Bring change 2 mind. Click on the link below:

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