Saturday, September 6, 2014

A Childhood Memory Never Forgotten

I grew up with parents who had me when they were in their forties. I am now 29 years old as I write this and by the time some of you read this post, I will have turned 30. Both of my parents are now in their seventies and one of my memories from childhood, I remember well...

Most of my friends now that I love to crafts and share crafting ideas and I owe this to my parents. You see both of my parents used to do a lot of crafts when I was a kid and growing up, it was part of my life. You see, my parents grew up during WWII, well they were born in '40 and '41 when it was just after America had joined the war after Pearl Harbor was bombed. so they were 4 and 5 when the war ended. During that time, one of the ways, my parents entertained themselves was sewing, knitting and crocheting things. And even in their forties they continued to do these things. Both parents sewed and crocheted and my mom, knitted but only on occasions when some one had requested her to knit something for them. And I grew up knowing how sew and Crochet but mainly sewing, didn't have the patients to crochet, nor do I now.

Every Halloween, my parents never did go and buy me a costume at the store like other parents did. No, they always made mine by hand and nobody never complained about it because they always did such a good job at making it. just between me and you, I believe that some of the other kids were jealous of this because none of their parents didn't sew. Plus, my parents were very popular with the teachers in my elementary school because I was constantly bring a finished crocheted product to school in a small brown box with a lid to keep the said item from being crushed in book bag. If one of the teachers ordered a quilt from them, then they would always deliver the quilt in person, either before or after school.

Out of all of this, there is one thing I remember most. My parents used to have this cast iron and oak sewing machine and it didn't run on electricity. It was foot pedal driven with a leather belt strapped to two wheels.They would use it more than the modern sewing machine because it was a hundred years old and it was a family heirloom from my dad's side of the family. For it being a hundred years old, it was still in good condition and it never failed in what my dad used it for. (Picture is not of the one we used to own. But it is similar to how I remember it it looking like.)

I remember playing with that foot pedal when my parents wasn't using the machine. I played with it because of the sound it made when I pressed the pedal, it always sounded like the wheels of train when in motion and I loved it greatly. Because of this, my dad would always call me over when ever his feet would get tired of pushing the pedal and it was always done on the weekends when there wasn't any school. Oh how I loved that old sewing machine and I probably will never see one again, especially one that is made from oak. It wasn't until after my parent's divorce and my dad moving to Alabama to stay with my cousin that I would never see that old sewing machine again.

So I now invite you to share your own child memories that has never faded from time. It may be like my own memory or it may be another memory of something else totally different. What ever it is, please leave a comment and share your own memory...


  1. My parents were never into sewing and crafts, but I remember them taking us to the drive in movie theatre. They would make homemade popcorn and put it in a big container. The kids would dress in our pajamas, and we'd bring our sleeping bags and pillows. We'd usually fall asleep in the back of the station wagon before the first movie in the double feature was over.

    1. Oh I believe that is the best memory anyone could have of their childhood. Thanks for sharing Tricia.
